Nik’s Rant
Getting a School Mask exemption is about as easy as getting Governor Snaggle Tooth to look at his own death state data or medical articles. Back in April, The International of Environmental Research and Public Health put out an article that said “...children are a vulnerable group that would face the longest and, thus, most profound consequences of a potentially risky mask use."
But your school doesn’t care about that, neither does your doctor. If they pretend they don’t see the consequences, it doesn’t exist, right?
An even if you get a letter from your doctor AND have a documented 504, the “School Physician”, who’s never even seen your kid, can deny the exemption.
The medical community is running the hard line on these masks without any statistical evidence from controlled clinical trials. In fact, if you are an adult patient, its easier for you to get a narcotic than a mask exemption.
What happened to the opioid epidemic brought on by prescription drugs? Did that fall out of fashion now? Overdose deaths increased 30% in the United States but doctors are completely willing to ignore this crisis in order for you to be compliant.
For kids who have anxiety from masks, they will offer you a psych exam and therapy. Obviously, your child must be crazy if they can’t cover their face 6 to 9 hours a day.
Its time to start rebelling. Speak out. Wake up your neighbors.
Complying out of fear from the beginning was our worst mistake. Now kids will suffer with the consequences.
Shana’s Take
What do upgraded or newly installed HVAC systems in NJ school buildings and mask exemptions from medical professionals have in common? They’re both impossible to get.
In all fairness though, I think we could argue that installing an upgraded or new HVAC system in a public school building may be easier than getting a mask exemption, thanks to school districts receiving bountiful ARP ESSER funds. Throughout the summer as communities collaborated with their school districts in developing a safe return plan, you repeatedly empowered the decision making of school districts, while trying to minimize a last minute mask requirement as being so much easier than installing an HVAC system.
Masking isn’t a quick and easy decision to make for all children. Calling a delayed opening for a snowstorm or a school cancellation, while an inconvenience, is not detrimental to the health of a child. As a result of your temper tantrum and sneaking your retaliatory clause into EO253, families are now in a crisis trying to obtain written documentation from medical professionals for legitimate reasons who refuses to write one, as our own medical professionals are hiding behind your Executive Orders or determining their own interpretation or duty to discuss the risk vs. benefit for each individual child, and obtaining parental consent, rather than denying consent regardless of reported or observed risks.
We’re coming for you medical professionals - you can thank Governor Murphy.
Homeschool Resources
Looking to pull out and homeschool? See link below. My girl Heather will be Helping you learn to homeschool with a virtual seminar, All of NJ/PA Welcome to attend.
VIRTUAL: Sunday 9/5 at 8:00 PM - Homeschool How-To with NJPA Homeschool Collective