This morning on New Jersey Fresh Face Schools a mom shared the shocking Post from Class DoJo of trans story hour in her child’s first grade classroom.
How did this happy without parental knowledge or consent?
In first grade, it’s typical to have “Mystery Guest Story Book Time”. This week, mystery guest, Aunt Brianna, showed up with a Pride book 🌈 to tell all the little kids that boys can be girls and girls can be boys. And you wonder why a staggering number of elementary school kids have gender confusion in New Jersey.
The only way this changes if you are a participant in your school is by running for your Board of Education.
Do it for your kid.
At least the far left extremists parents love this. Wonder if they are on your BOE.
Original post:
I cannot imagine if mybchild were in this school. I am so sad that any child is subjected to this madness.
When parents start keeping their kids out of school, (most of them hopefully) then and only then will this change. Ive raised 3 children and never had to deal with such nonsense! This is such a farce and so ridiculous. There have been gays and transgenders for years and no one got upset over it, but trying to coerce and make kids think this is normal is beyond my imagination. Parents are very powerful people but there has to be numbers! Some are probably afraid because they worry about the FBI. Keep your little ones out of pubic schools and let them be children!