Sep 26Liked by Mathgoddess

All children and especially teens are always curious about adulthood and relationships . Many of them try to find a magazine or a book to read secretly. That’s understandable.

The main question is : Why would any adult want children to learn about sex, read age inappropriate literature and possess highly sensitive graphic novels filled up with filth.

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That’s the right question: WHY?

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9 hrs agoLiked by Mathgoddess

Just linked to one of your posts showing the lewd (but censored) materials and Fascistbook took it down. That says it all, eh. Even Zuckerberg is "banning" any links to your blog about the obscene books.

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exactly, but its ok for K-12

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Sep 27·edited Sep 27

Do you know what is truly scary… this organization!!! You are right winged conspiracists who are spreading vicious lies regarding all school districts and their teachers ( proud to be a NJ educator myself)!!

How dare you accuse my profession without knowing all the facts.

I fear you are extremists and that you are contributing to trying to destroy our precious Democracy!!

Do you even know what a democracy stands for: FREEDOM!!

If you do not like the books that are chosen for your library, DON’T check them out! You have a choice. If you disagree with a Board members’s position on a policy, DON’T vote for them come election time! Do you even attend Board


Please teach your children about equality, choice, and compassion and that even though you may disagree with someone or something, respect is what is needed.

Frankly, I am exhausted with parents who are not educators. Dissatisfied with your school district? Then home school them!

And remember: “ Thou shall not LIE!”

PS. You have violated my right to privacy by somehow getting my private email and sending me

this. Shame on you!

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Shame on you for promoting the sexualization of children. you need someone to check your hard drive.

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Beyond sick!

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Bravo to the adults who speak out against the pervs among school boards, mayoral offices, city councils, school administrators, librarians, and teachers who mask their their weirdo/sicko/grooming agendas with the false veneer of freedom of speech.

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