There was one huge missing piece of information that you missed. In 1891, 11 innocent Italian Immigrants were lynched in New Orleans for a crime they didn’t commit. The Prime Minister of Italy, Francesco Crispi, cut diplomatic ties with the US. The President at the time, Benjamin Harrison, wanted to make amends so he proposed a day in honor of Italians, October 12 and called it Columbus Day. For more information, listen to the Master Phil in Your Corner podcast, Episode #75 or watch the movie - Vendetta.

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This is a great post. I love it.

This great nation was built by immigrants who came here legally, leaving behind their families and home countries under the most difficult and dangerous conditions and saddest circumstances. Our families who came before us came usually with nothing but the clothes in their backs and were willing to work hard simply for the joy of being an American. The majority of the illegals coming here today seek handout after handout. Free phone, free housing, free healthcare, on and on. It is no wonder this country is falling apart.

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