May 26, 2023Liked by Mathgoddess

As someone who works in a special education school I am outraged that this is occurring. Their are many students that do need to be protected from themselves (SIB), but this is not the way. Our public schools are not equipped with staff trained in proper physical management techniques for those students that require them to stay safe. We do not employ enough BCBA professionals in the public systems to handle their needs. Given the rates of students with disabilities exploding, (one in 36 children with diagnoses of autism), there needs to be more done by the state to implement programs for these students. There are not enough private programs available.

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Maybe one day the root causes of our very prevalent special needs problems will be honestly studied so that root causes are addressed like the weeds the kids were pulling in your article.

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May 26, 2023Liked by Mathgoddess

Well written, and ALL true. I’ve worked with special needs adults and have been saying literally everything you just posted, all along!

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Nicole if you are in touch with these parents please send them to us. I am outraged.

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May 26, 2023Liked by Mathgoddess

This was well written and true. You are blessed, God bless you and continue bringing the truth to everyone.

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Unfortunately, I believe this type of treatment is going on in behavioral centers as well

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