This is the ignorance that we have to deal with. How can a Senator sit on a committee to pass a bill that he knows nothing about and publicly announce to constituents his blatant disregard for what is happening in our schools and then chalk it off as "manufactured outrage". If he wants outrage he's now got it. I am spitting mad. Called his office and left him message to call me. Can't wait.

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My Outrage is NOT Manufactured

Pete K

Mar 7, 2024, 8:56 AM (1 day ago)

to SenGopal, bcc: chaosandcontrol

Dear Senator Gopal, please explain to me, a parent of an 8 year-old boy and a 4 year-old girl, why you find it necessary to protect school librarians who curate books containing sexually explicit materials. I find this objectionable using any standard. I look forward to hearing from you.


Peter Kraft

North Caldwell, NJ

Gopal, Sen. D.O.

12:11 PM (4 minutes ago)

to me

Dear Peter Kraft,

Thank you for your email. Senator Gopal values your input and we appreciate you taking the time to contact the office about S2421, which would establish requirements for library material in public school libraries and public libraries while protecting school library media specialists and librarians from harassment.

As of January 29th, S2421 has been introduced and referred to the Senate Education Committee. I have forwarded your message to Senator Gopal’s policy advisor, who will make sure the Senator takes your comments into consideration.

Thank you again for taking the time to share your thoughts about this legislation with Senator Gopal’s Office. Please do not hesitate to reach out in the future, should you have any questions or concerns you would like to discuss.


Alexandria S.

Legislative Aide

Office of Senator Gopal

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Does he have kids? Where do they go to school?

Government needs to be cleaned out.

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Maybe the interviewer should have done his homework before speaking to Vin Gopal!

Vin Gopal is in this hypnotic state like all the rest of the Ds pushing the “Grand Narrative” while acting as a tool for the party.

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Somebody else signed me up for this substack and I hate it.

I own the book Let's Talk About It. It's a good resource for older students. I know because I am a high school teacher and they ask me about this shit all the time, and I value the information in the book as a resource. So do they. I wouldn't give the book to every student, no. And I wouldn't assign it in class. But well-researched resources need to exist and be easy for students to access or they will go online and learn shit and trash from porn and reddit and tumblr and they'll never know their ass from a teakettle.

P.S. if you don't trust your sixteen-year-old child to sort through good information and bad information, who to trust and who to not trust, if you have to have a white-knuckle grip on all the information that they see, then I hate to break it to you but either you're right and your child is extremely stupid or you're wrong, they're smart enough to learn shit, and you're the moron.

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Too many teachers on perv alerts. Informative for what? shoving things up your ass? Being told that porn is a sugary treat? Do you tell kids to watch porn and its ok at their age and not addictive at all? You also encourage kids to join kink groups online? I think maybe being a teacher isn't the job for you.

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Robby - I have to chime in and say you are engaging in linguistic gymnastics. Since you hate this site then you are pro porn for students. For example “Well researched” book describing unnatural sex is telling.

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