
Graphic Incest Child Rape Read by 9th Graders

Parents Object in Washington Township

Watch this 12 minute video of the parents in Washington Township trying to remove the book “The Bluest Eye” from the mandatory curriculum for 9th grade honors students. This book is so inappropriate that I’m not even comfortable copying and pasting the passages. The graphic sex scenes of negative sexual encounters, including a father raping his 11 year old daughter is just not an acceptable assignment for 14 and 15 year old’s.

I personally would not read this book because I do not want to read a “sympathetic view” of a child rapist, as described by the parents. Once these disturbing images get into your head, its really difficult to remove them.

Some of these 9th grade children haven’t even experienced consensual sex at this point in life, so what would possess a teacher to force the kids to read the graphic details of unhealthy, disturbing and repeated violent sexual encounters? These graphic incest, rape and prostitution scenes would be these kids’ first experience with sex. And as one mother pointed out, if this was a movie, it wouldn’t even be R rated, it would be straight up pornography.

Shockingly, the kids had to have permission slips signed to watch Schindler's List, but they didn’t need permission slips to read a passage about a man’s penis leaving his 11 year old daughter’s vagina. The graphic description of the man’s attraction to pre-pubescents breasts and what he wants to do with them is beyond what any highschool child needs to read.

Can you imagine the trauma that a molested child would have reading this book? This is totally irresponsible on the part of the school and the teacher.

And the most shocking part? This book was assigned for years before a parent noticed. Even the board was shocked at the content of the book. The library association is so irresponsible for recommending this book for 9th graders, or even any high school student.

Crazy leftists cry that we want to burn these types of books. No one is stopping you from reading about graphic incest child rape, but this needs to be kept away from our kids. The problem is, it starts out in the school library then ends up on the mandatory reading list because everyone assumes that someone along the way made a good decision. Why would parents ever have to review high school texts in order to weed out disturbing content? Parents assume that there would be some educator who would think, “Maybe we shouldn't expose kids to graphic rape texts.”