Mahwah made the 10th grade honors English students read The Bluest Eye as part of their regular curriculum.

The kids said "why the eff are we reading this in school??" They know it's not appropriate.

This is literature for honors students?? This is not quality literature! It's Oprah Book Club material. For women to sit around with their chardonnay and whine about how awful what happened to the author is. It is NOT for children. I doubt the author intended her book to be high school reading material. Reading it will not reverse the damage that happened to her. It just adds to trauma.

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Mathgoddess

Thank you so much for sharing and shedding light on to these events. It’s actually upsetting. There must be something to do

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I hope everyone realizes this agenda was done decades ago. They kept indoctrinating and conditioning the people for this time. All books, were already to go, just like everything else we are seeing happening. All they have to do is click and its out there. Done deal for all things against children. The fires are all planned out, storms, anything and everything. So, what is evil doing next? Not sure how to be 2 steps ahead of this evil curve. The only thing is to take our children out of these evil schools, which I know many will not, but we have to hurt the pockets of all those that sold us down the river. Its about money and our children

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Yes: all of this. Pulling the kids out is the answer; that way the schools lose the money. It’s in percentages, of course, since not everyone can do that or would want to, but the message will be loud and clear if there’s a mass exodus that makes a difference.

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people aren't going to do that. you can say it over and over, but the best way to do this is to fight.

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I hope the parents do fight. Their kids lives, futures and mental health depend on it.

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It's gotten to the point that our entire country is depending upon it. I am really concerned that the very Democrat-led states (governor, legislature) will become totalitarian. They are going to go full force this fall, and it will be worse, because there was so much complicity and compliance. These stupid school boards and Supers - they are the ones who will be thrown under the bus and left holding the bag. They went along to get along, and they will be asked to submit to more and more draconian anti-child, anti-parent measures, and it will end up on their heads. Watch. Because most districts were total pussies.

When things come to the blame and punish stage they will face the repercussions - watch - they will weep "why are you doing this to us? Why are we facing the firing squad? WE DID EVERYTHING YOU ASKED OF US!" It's the same in every Commie takeover. The educators, the facilitators of evil of the Overlords, they always face the gallows first, right along with the dissenters.


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It's true - and it's frustrating because not only the parents but the kids are terrified of speaking up, of saying anything negative. We really have allowed schools to indoctrinate Total Compliance to Authority. If you read about the early years of WWII - the 1930's - it is very much the same. Slow and steady mass indoctrination of children (using a combination of threat, going-along-with-the-crowd (faddism), and "fun, pageantry for kids!". Parents then also didn't (couldn't) say much.

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I would take every book out, of all the schools libraries! They all are disgusting in context! The books should be in a Porn shop not in our libraries! So sad for our children and the parents!Parents need to keep fighting!

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Well done.

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Thank you❤

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