God Bless this young girl and her courage to stand up against the mob. I wish I could say that I am shocked that this happened. I hope they prevail in court and I hope they are suing EVERYONE involved. Go after ALL THE TEACHERS AND STAFF, name them all in the lawsuit and make them defend themselves. We need more people like her in this world.

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The tolerant left strikes again. As a parent I’m proud of the young lady who stood her ground, understands the value of life and understand her right to be out there protesting peacefully for life. Clearly she was raised to never bow down to the indoctrinated mob. As for the others screaming in her face and chasing her down they do not understand the meaning of peaceful protests and should be held accountable for their actions as well as the administrators who approved this event and the staff who sat idly by and did nothing to stop the insanity.

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The adults have left the building. This is like watching Animal Farm live. The adults all milling about should be arrested, sued or fired. And sadly those kids need to see a therapist. To be so hateful about someone looking to save the life of an unborn at such a young age is scary.

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Like Lord of the flies

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Probably more accurate. 😢

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So many awful things at once. Adults allowing this at a school, adults allowing children to treat another child like this, parents being ok with it all, and most of all that this is the only reason I know this even happened. Where is the media? This is a prime example of bullying for them to point at

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This is so very disturbing and in Hunterdon County, no less, a place that is very beautiful, and rural and one would think a safe place to raise their kids. It just shows how the plan to destroy the fabric of America has infiltrated into every place. Keep fighting parents, we're fighting for a lot here, the future of America and its children's, children. This is what the Comprehensive Sex Ed teaches, that a baby isn't a life, it's just a fetus.

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Thank you so much for highlighting this awful act! If it was the other way around I'm sure Dr. Moore would be all over it and the MSM would have picked it up as well. Dr. Moore needs to go.

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I'm shocked I didn't see this video on every news outlet.

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;) Right? Imagine showing all sides to a story!

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I cannot believe what I’m watching....this is what a school permits

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FYI if you can't watch this video then you have your youtube permissions set for children. Since there is violence it is labeled accordingly

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They need to sue the superintendent, each person from the school who participated in this vial act of students going against one person. Name the students, parents and the rest of the school staff individually.

This is a product of CRT, bullying, white privilege. It was only a matter of time for this to happen.

Every parent who knows better about all this should be up in his face along with the teachers that condone this until they get so uncomfortable that they leave on their own..

Again, When you hit people in the pockets, the parents, it will change Please spread that to the parents rising up against this crime. If they don't, Its only going to get worse. It will start in other schools, if we don't nip it in the bud.

This type of bullying, CRT, has consequences. Hit them in their pockets. Making them all activists.

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you didn't eat yourself to death yet?

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