I had my eye on the standards since they were first announced and went to our board with concern. Since we are able to opt out, I refuse to stress for other clueless parents. Iā€™m done fighting their battles for them šŸ˜Š

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I hear ya.

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Can you please explain about outing out? That would be really helpful.

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You write a letter/email stating what areas you chose to opt out on due to my religious beliefs. That would be sex Ed snd Gender discussions

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Thanks, that is super helpful and not even a lie. I appreciate the info.

I hate the way this is all presented. My child was in a religious school until this year, and even there, I complained about how they were teaching things without any spiritual perspective. Like, ok, you're going to teach them this sh*t, at least give a positive religious perspective about sanctity, something. They have taken anything sacred or oriented towards love, connection, affection, respect etc. out of the conversation and made it about animals and abuse. Are they in medical school that they need every body part labeled in detail? Then normalizing the most disturbing stuff. I can only imagine how distressing this is going to be for some children.

Does anyone doubt there's some anti-child agenda?? I mean, how long are people going to kid themselves that there's something else going on here?

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According to our school, we are not able to opt out from gender discussion per Smurphys new law. Are you sure that your child is exept from gender discussion?

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Cindy (and everyone!), the only problem is that if we (sane, loving parents) donā€™t unite against this, it will transition from optional (if it even will be) to mandatory in time.

I have major plans to unite parents to oppose this, so please email me if you want to be updated (to review what I present and consider whatā€˜s best for your family).

Thank you for standing out and being an active parent in education.


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Wow. Gosh. OK. Maybe there's some things you don't understand. You seem to think that by teaching children that gender stereotypes can be limiting, the classroom teacher is somehow endorsing that position. In other words, you seem to fundamentally misunderstand how curriculum guidelines work. You say, "Iā€™m going to start with the one I find most egregious and that is explaining ā€œgender and how gender-role stereotypes may limit behavior.ā€ Why are you trying to tell my kids how their behavior is limited because they are a boy or a girl when Iā€™ve spent their entire life telling them that there is no limits for them?" This seems like a basic misunderstanding of the guideline. No, teachers are not enforcing gender stereotypes. They are doing *exactly* what you claim to also be doing - trying to help children understand that although gender stereotypes exist, we don't have to allow them to limit our behavior.

I'm deeply concerned that you are pushing a whole movement to take over school boards when you don't seem to have even the most basic understanding of how classrooms and curricula work.

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I find your opposition to the discussion of how gender stereotypes can limit behavior very confusing. It sounds like the whole point is to discuss how gender stereotypes, like only boys play with cars and trucks, can make a girl feel like she canā€™t play with trucks because theyā€™re a ā€œboy thing.ā€ Why are you against discussing how those attitudes can be limiting to young boys and girls? Itā€™s cool that you have been breaking stereotypes your whole life, but what about the kids who donā€™t have a role model like you, and just hear the stereotypes? Donā€™t you think theyā€™d benefit from learning how stereotypes might be limiting their behavior, and they donā€™t have to conform to them after all?

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Thank you for 1) thinking for yourself (which is quite uncommon today) and 2) caring enough to stand up to this insanity.

I have some big plans in place with major stakeholders, so please email me if you want to connect. I can tell that you could be an invaluable asset in advocating for reason (and parental/family rights) in NJ public education.


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It's not an anti-child agenda. It is an anti-family agenda. The government becomes stronger and more powerful when there is no family structure. If you let your kids be SOCIALLY AND EMOTIONALLY trained, they will grow up and challenge and reject your beliefs and ethics. Remember how in 2020 people would stop talking to their family because of presidential candidates and/or masking/COVID? These people were so brainwashed and self righteous that they abandoned their elderly parents to stand with POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. Imagine that on a grander scale in 10-15 years? That is the whole point of pushing all this crap. Your kids will hate you because you refuse to go along with whatever new crap the government wants to push. They have undergone the SEL re-education. You haven't.

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Excellent insights. While we canā€™t yet know precisely why the government implements these evil agendas, thatā€™s certainly a reasonable suspicion.

If you want to fight the state of NJ on this, please email me. I will be updating tons of parents on my detailed plans very soon.

Sincerely, thank you for caring and being able to think for yourself. Thatā€™s clearly whatā€™s at stake (ultimately) for our children and society.


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Mike, yes we have a group in Verona (Essex) on FB @veronawatchparents, We are inquiring now as to what the town plans to do but we know they are a trainwreck. Are you lawyer? can you send me any info? thanks!

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