All newly elected school board members need to put this on the List of things to TAKE OUT OF THE COLLECTIVE BARGAINING agreements; as soon as they come up for negotiations. This is a non-negotiable item. Districts offer enough continuing credits for teachers they do not need these two days off.

Fortunately; most probably 75% of teachers do not attend, why because they have kids of their own etc.

Who attends ALL THE NEW single and young teachers and the sicko seasoned teachers who bleed NJEA - DEM SOCIALISM.

Cut off this enabling by school districts and contracts no where in law does it say districts must give these two days off - it is however in every contract. TAKE IT OUT if you can!

NJSBA is legally mandated; I am going to be contacting and hope to be working with my state Senator Oroho on changing or doing away with the legal requirement to belong to NJSBA by school boards. They are a private non profit that makes over $6 million yearly; off of taxpayers money.

NJSBA intimidates newly elected board members with Code of Ethics violations to make the newly elected nothing more than a rubber stamp for school administrations.

Take away the mandate in law and allow other education organizations compete to help guide school board members.

Thank you for all you do!

Barbara Holstein

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OMG, Barbara. THANK YOU. That is the missing link. I was trying SO HARD to understand why all the 9 - 0 votes for the state indoctrination and child-destruction agenda. THIS IS IT! I KNEW IT! I kept saying there is something with the NJEA coercing people to all vote in favor, and something with funding . Carrot and stick. That's how the CCP does it, that's what is going on.

So basically, nothing we do to elect new people will really matter.

Parents with young kids need to get them the heck out. You cannot opt out of everything.

Sick. We are losing our nation to this ideology.

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Yes. Parents need to homeschool their kids or send to a religious private school. That is the best option. Taking your kids out not only saves your kids, but schools are funded per kid in the school, so the absence of your kids DENIES them MONEY. Some states have vouchers for those homeschooling or sending to religious private school and fight for this to be done in NJ.

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Report stuff like this to your state and federal authorities, especially if you have video evidence. I detail how here in this article. https://open.substack.com/pub/justingaffneysamuels/p/filing-complaint-against-groomers?r=6512g&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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I agree with Barbara.

We need to go after this union and any others. There is no need for these people anymore. Make it impossible for this group to live off the backs of teachers and whoever is a part of this evil system. It all needs to be stopped and we need to hope and pray these new BOE members take it down asap they walk in the door.

Esser funds should't matter to the new people, they weren't involved. That needs to stop as well. Fundraisers should be done to help with the schools, not government money with tons of strings attached. In fact our tax money should be enough to survive. We don't want government schools anymore, back to God and Country.

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What is the purpose of these teachers conventions? What is their mission?

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To indoctrinate new teachers and further their socialist agenda.

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The demoncrat and liberal satanist need to be stopped at all cost. This is absolutely sickening and shows exactly what these sickos are all about. The debauchery of children, the ex-communication of God, the indoctrination of twisted history and ideologies, the acceptance of sexual perversion under the guise of LGBTQ, and the discrimination and censorship of those who don't accept this sub human woke culture. You wanna fix the problem and the NJEA? Take your children out of the public school system OR SPEAK OUT AGAINST THIS EVIL. THE CHOICE IS YOURS. The Unions back these activist teachers, they pay equity and diversity administrators a lucrative amount of money to walk around in suits with bow ties to enhance and enforce this woke reverse discriminatory agenda. Teachers who are placed on administrative PAID leave like in Lawrence Township are welcomed back with gift baskets by their peers for putting extreme radical leftist views on social media that in any other profession would have been terminated. The schools have been infiltrated with evil people to come for your children. Take a stand and get ready for battle because the war for your childrens values and morals is here. Silence and turning a blind eye will only make them stronger. Speak out and Stand Up. The time is now.

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I'm sorry, I LAUGHED. Aloud. Hysterically.

Because the depth of the depravity, there's just no other response when you're completely confounded.

Humanity is in a deep, deep trench. With a ---- up its ---

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