This situation is truly bizarre and beyond comprehension. What could prompt someone to require such an extensive array of information from 386 school districts and, more importantly,how will it be utilized?

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Gottesman is a relentless monster IMO and will never give up messing with other people's families. Gross

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Gottesman needs to lose his /her job if they are licensed, the license needs to be revoked and that person should not be around children. And monetary requirements need to go to the parents for what they are going through. People need to get rid of slugs, cockroaches, and communist in our school system.

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Next investigation topic; Who the hell is Strauss Esmay, and how has ONE policy agency inserted itself into almost every school district in NJ? Who is Sandra & Philip Nicastro? Why are they so influenced by Kate Okesen, the extreme activist? Expose needed please & thank you.....https://patch.com/new-jersey/middletown-nj/some-nj-school-boards-say-strauss-esmay-gave-bad-info-trans-policy

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tks for the tip

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Every single time. Monsters in our midst

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Gottesman is using the documents in an attempt to force each school district to teach the controversial learning standards, despite the law clearly stating each zip code has discretion over how they are taught. He is a creepy bully. So gross he is.

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The administration in the school needs to be removed. They need to lose their job. They need to lose their license and not collect one single penny and never be able to be around children again. The parents should be able to sue the school for violation of child’s privacy I thought we had HIPAA laws were they can’t discuss, anything about you privately to someone else unless there was written, signed and approved by an attorney.

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