With communists... "The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution." - Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). No matter what issue they are fighting about... it is a mere pretext to hide their radical goal: a communist revolution in America. While people in society debate the merits of the issue, the RADICAL LEFTIES are framing the debate, inflaming emotions/gaslighting, neutralizing opponents, and weaponizing it it in order to overthrow American institutions, destroy society, and create a victory for the socialist revolution (communism is the ultimate goal of socialism). It would appear the teachers union is inflaming class, racial, and sex/gender struggle, they hope to fracture the country and impose a socialist revolution. (Think... Radical Pedagogy Institute). See www.ReturnToOrder.org... "The Issue is Never the Issue- The Real Issue is The Revolution" by James Bascom.

This is also a very, very good substack article... on the topic of Cultural Marxist Communism...


The government has codified "gender identity" into anti-discrimination laws.

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Amen to this. Super sad that I had to sit down with my 7 and 9 year olds and reiterate to them that they are BOYS and no one in school should ever try to convince them otherwise or try to get them to use anything other than HE and HIM.

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BRAVO!!! Incredible and educational read. I thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

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Goodness, your point on the list about adults being unable to experience s*^#al pleas***, especially males as a result of puberty blockers....

It just dawned on me this is a sure fire way to stop adult males procreating without medical supervision, if at all should they transition to “female”, and thereafter be without the physical ability to have intercourse, therefore dictating who gets to make a baby and how females can conceive. Take virile, healthy males out of the game and then you can have a governmentally driven and controlled population! WOW. Light bulb moment!

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Actually Transgender is not the same thing as Gender Identity Theory.

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I understand. But still, it’s all a jumble and confusing for adults, never mind children.

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yeah, no one understands it.

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Sep 13, 2022
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Thank you so much for having such an inspiring substack!

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Sep 13, 2022
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So 5 minutes ago Pronouns became a big deal to teens? No, they are a big deal to YOU. It makes my teens uncomfortable. Your bullshit DOESN'T REQUIRE MY PARTICIPATION NOR MY CHILD'S PARTICIPATION. Please stop forcing your gender theology down my family's throat. Its just as bad as having Jehovah's witnesses at my front door. NO I will not be converted to your BULLSHIT!

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No. They've been a big deal for a LOT longer than 5 minutes you clueless ass. And nobody is shoving anything down anyone's throat. It's called awareness and acceptance; something that you and your idiotic, bigoted cronies have zero knowledge of. It doesn't make ANY teens uncomfortable that I've ever seen - in fact, what makes teens uncomfortable is adult ignorance surrounding gender identity and use of pronouns. And FYI, you can't compare gender identity with ANY religion. Religion is a CHOICE. Gender identity ISN'T. Wake TF up, moron, and stop spreading your bigoted, asinine bullshit around NJ. You're not wanted here. Go move to TX or FL where the rest of the bigoted assholes and shitty school districts are.

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