Parents Vs. the Progressive Dem Machine
Meet the Puppet Masters pulling the strings on the BOE Candidates
Bad Apples
The progressive democrat Action Together New Jersey (ATNJ) group is coming for your schools by supporting extreme left BOE candidates all over the state of New Jersey.
I remember being told that BOE elections were “Non Partisan”.
LMAO. Sure.
Selling Your Soul for a Yard Sign
In exchange for marketing and campaign assistance, ATNJ school board candidates are asked to sign a pledge to teachers and a pledge to keep any book in the library, no matter how age-inappropriate. Not one mention of the actual customers of the public schools, the kids and their parents.
If these candidates are incumbents, you can likely file ethics charges on them.
School Board members must swear to abide by the Code of Ethics encoded in the law. If you have taken this pledge, they have likely violated the following:
F. I will refuse to surrender my independent judgement to special interest or partisan political groups or to use the schools for personal gain or for the gain of friends.
ATNJ is a partisan political group if there ever was one.
You can tell who owns these candidates by the yellow sticker and black apple, or as we like to call it, “Bad Apples.”
These candidates are represented by Action Together NJ, and when you visit the landing page of their website, that will make it clear to you how far left this organization is. The first image you see is kids in masks. Masks are why parents got involved with school boards in the first place. Post-pandemic, masks are like the MAGA hat of the Democrats.
Pro-tip for the black apple ATNJ candidate: instead of putting the black apples on your signs, consider an image of kids in masks so we know exactly where you stand.
We got into politics because politicians in NJ were hurting our kids without remorse. They let Murphy mask our kids for 2 years, inject progressive politics into our school system, inject erotica into our school library and lower our kid’s academic performance. In 2020, we decided that we need to help our kids, ran for BOEs and WON BIG!
Fast forward to 2023 and we have conservative leaning Boards actively pushing back on crazy progressive policies handed down by the State. The Democrats can’t stand this.
All of a sudden these progressives show up PRETENDING like they care about the public school system, but they don’t even bother to pretend they care about children or the parent’s who raise them. Seems like the only thing they are worried about is turning the school system back to blue with progressive candidates.
Going Down the Rabbit Hole
You have to wonder why Action Together New Jersey, who has been involved in congressional campaigns is now so focused on our little BOE races, especially those K-8 school races. We have done so much work to get more parent focused BOE members but the progressives in NJ just can’t let us have this win for our kids? How can these contributors afford to finance all of these New Jersey BOE campaigns? Who is funding these contributors? What is really going on here? And WHY?
An investigative report on a Washington Twp blog reveals the dark money behind these BOE candidates by looking at their publicly available filed R-1 form found on the website. Candidates must upload any donation or contribution (even if it’s goods or services) that exceeds a $200 value to Election Law Enforcement Commission's website (ELEC) for everyone to see. The Washington Twp blog took a sample of some Bad Apple candidates and the same names kept popping up with in-kind donations.
We all know who, is but who is Daniel Janowski, Maureen Panzera, and Nina Ovryn?
Daniel Janowski
It should be no surprise that Daniel Janowski is a founding member and a current director of Action Together NJ and their affiliate "Sticky Note Squad". He owns a shadow company in West Orange called "TRISKELION, LLC" which is listed in the “I on congress” website intermingled with the Action Together PAC paying out small amounts of money to Andy Kim and Tom Malinowski.
Here is Daniel supporting corrupt Bob Menendez, pre gold bar scandal.
Apparently Dan is responsible for the “blue wave”. In a 2018 Facebook post, he is praised by Mikie Sherrill, Tom Malinowski, Andy Kim, Josh Gottheimer, Senator Bob Menendez, and Josh Welle for his work as the “Director of Electoral Intelligence”. They say that Dan’s efforts with Action Together are responsible for flipping District 3 from red to blue and putting Andy Kim in congress with the largest expansion of Vote by mail in New Jersey history.
Open secrets finds that throughout the years, Action Together donated 100% to Democrats and $0 to any other party.
That is certainly not ‘non-partisan.’
Maureen Panzera
Maureen Panzera is an owner of Sanpan Design, based in NYC with an impressive resume of marketing campaigns such as HBO, BBC America, Comedy Central, National Geographic and more. And here is her black apple design:
Her twitter account tells you all you need to know. It’s full of abortion, calling conservatives evil and a touch of the Trump derangement syndrome. Totally obsessed. It’s hard to find a thing about kids or schools.
That is certainly not ‘non-partisan.’
Nina Ovryn
Nina Ovryn is also involved in marketing and could not resist promoting this page on her personal Facebook, which links to “The Pledge” this group makes their candidates take to keep porn in schools. Notice that “The Pledge” doesn’t say anything about working for the kids or focusing on educational success for the students.
Also on her Facebook page you can find her celebrating ‘Banned Books Week.’ She has 0 clue what books are being challenged by parents and not a care about what is inappropriate for kids. And again, another person constantly posting about Trump, pro-late term abortion, democratic politicians, and Trump again.
If you wander over to Twitter, she is praised by the RoxDems for creating their Vote Blue design.
That is certainly not ‘non-partisan.’
Follow The Money
We can see a clear pattern of the same contributors to these campaigns from an obvious Democrat PAC. We gotta hand it to the Democrats. They have created a well-organized, well-funded network to support left-leaning candidates throughout the state and no one has barely questioned it. We feel like this may not be entirely legal since school board races in New Jersey are NON-PARTISAN.
Maybe it’s time we push our legislators to make school board races partisan like they are in Pennsylvania and other states. Then at least we would know who is who, sort of.
If you have Black apples in your neighborhood, look them up and follow the money to see who donated at Click on ‘Public Information’, then ‘View a Report', then ‘View a Candidate/Committee Report’. Feel free to drop the any findings in our substack.
Progressive Action Together Video
These are the people trying to take over your school boards.
I’d like to give a shout out to my friends over at Washington Twp for investigating this for everyone. Please be sure to check out their other articles.
Outstanding investigative piece!
Great piece. Vote down all the bad apples.