And if you go to a school board meeting to question what they need more money for, they will say you are the problem! 🤦‍♀️

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Democrats keep parroting the lie that Trump and Republicans are trying to take away Democracy, yet Democrats just took away the right’s of citizens to vote how their money will lbe spent.

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Murphy didn't have an issue punishing any town or county that leaned red when it came stripping school funding. His claim was that there was no money. Funny, it didn't stop him from offering huge tax breaks to the offshore wind companies and then finding money to come up with pre-K programs because plenty of studies have been done that show it's easier to indoctrinate kids if they get their hands on them early. Nothing says we deserve more money than having trannies read children's books at the NJEA teachers convention. That is the NJEA and Governor's office taking more money and giving you the finger.

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This is how the state maintains its discriminatory and unaccountable system of schooling which they confine us inside of. Families have no power. Boards have no power. Even lawmakers have no power. They’re all part of the same dysfunctional system which is paid to represent special interests groups. The people have the power to change this. Policy should never work around us like this.

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