Isn't a "Members of Color Diversity Lunch" an oxymoron???!!

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Teachers who are against this shouldn't even go.. stand your ground.

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As we have seen through coivd, 95% of people blindly follow. I don't expect teachers to behave any differently than doctors.

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Can't wait for the videos to be posted...only a matter of time...plus the videos of NJEA goons escorting dissenters out.

second point...why does a union get 2 days off, during the school year, to promote union propaganda? last I looked at a school calendar, there's over 70 free days.. CALLED JUNE, JULY & AUGUST

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Wow -I guess having books for all students has now become a bad thing! I got my teacher training back in the seventies and even then we were taught to be inclusive. You all just do not want to acknowledge that people come in all different colors, abilities and sexual orientations. But they do- and role modeling acceptance through books has always been the right thing to do.

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I dare you to share the explicate parts of the Book Gender Queer on social media and let me know how it works out for you.

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actually we don't want porn show to children. but apparently you are ok with that. Also "anti-racist" is a part of CRT... you know the CRT that doesn't exist in the schools?

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I would like to know where it says what you posted and I copied below?

lol imagine being so deluded as to think that teaching kids not to be shitty to other kids is "tyranny" get a grip

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Wow, what a curriculum. We are doing our best to stop the garbage, yet it continues. Is the only way going to be by elections, seriously? There has to be more that can be done. Teachers are so much at fault by allowing this to continue, yet the new ones coming out of colleges are already trained for it. While many older teachers are retiring because they can't handle this anymore. Then I will go on to say, they didn't do anything anyway to stop it.

By banning together as a group and standing up to tyranny, they let it continue, for their pockets and not for the sake of the children and should have let parents know because they didn't attend meetings.

In case anyone didn't know, this was happening when we found at about UN taking control of this country with many treaties and Dept of Ed, which is illegal entity, started this, then we have Agenda 2030. There has to be another way to get these criminals out and jailed for not teaching what should be taught.

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PSA to all teachers BOYCOTT this meeting!

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Can I get a copy of the brochure somehow?

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Wow. This should help bring up test scores and improve academic performance!

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thats going to be next week~

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