Oct 29, 2022Liked by Mathgoddess

Nikki. Have you considered contacting Tucker Carlson? What you have been posting lately is unreal. Most parents I talk to have no idea what is going on. Tucker would blow this up. I know you recently got the boot off Twitter so you clearly are right over the target. Thank you for all you do. You are always on fire imo.

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Oct 29, 2022Liked by Mathgoddess

They have crossed many lines and getting away with it all. It seems these boards can't be stopped. Even when elected out of office, the problems are still there. It will take a few years to get into the right teaching and removing unions and teachers who condone this behavior.

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Then it should not be called a drag show with fun drag looks, be secretive with invite-only, with teachers guarding, and sponsored by P.U.L.S.E. Anything like that which parents are not aware of and approving of in advance for their child is not appropriate. We need to discuss this because we know that "people like you" are doing "this sort of thing." Anything secretive and invite only is not for school under any circumstances. If it were just dancing and lipsyncing, it would have been advertised as such, not as a drag show.

YOU need to stop this right now.

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You don't have the first clue what you are talking about. You don't know all the facts behind it. You just assume things...and you're wrong.

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People like you don't understand what is appropriate school activities. There are boundaries being crossed here. And the fact that you think this is ok, shows that some people need a talking to.

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The fact that grown adults take the time out of their day to write ARTICLES about high schoolers is a sad waste of time, clearly you have never seen a drag show, everything is too keep the students safe. People like you are the reason students feel unsafe especially when you go writing articles like this.

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The fact that you read articles that you find a sad waste of time just proves you are disingenuous

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I don't find the Sexualization of teens by their club advisor funny at all. This wasn't a bunch of teens doing this on there own. This is a school sanctioned activity, just like the abortion protest they held on campus

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No one is sexualizing teens other than you creating rumors and demonizing a fun event

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Fun events don't happen in secret.

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Do you even know the history of how this event came about? Or are you just assuming if based on your rigid thought process. You are sad.

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No I don't want images of kids playing an exaggerated sexualized version of a female. I wouldn't want my HS daughter doing that either.

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Obviously you have lost your mind. We live in alternate realities, in my reality, drag shows and alcohol are for adults.

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Your reality is lost in the fog of ignorance.

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Go troll twitter.

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You're right!! Clearly this was an attempt to indoctrinate the kids already in the schools gay club to turn EXTRA GAY!! Call tucker Carlson right away!!!

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This is disgusting. I can’t believe the school would let this happen. How did you get the email??

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Tucker Carlson is an asshole and a hack.

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this article and documentary is interesting. The German people were so obedient to let all of these bad things happen in their country. The holocaust was allowed by obedience. The sex ed was allowed by obedience. Now there is irrefutable evidence of what this perverse sex ed will do to these children 20-30 years from now. Not that we didn’t already know that. 😜🤣

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Removed (Banned)Nov 1, 2022
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Yes, I've been to Drag shows, its actually one of my favorite forms of entertainment, apparently you have not. and are just a troll. Maybe you are thinking of female impersonators? Whatever the case, we don't do these things with kids. Just like we don't play happy hour at the after school programs, we shouldn't be doing drag shows.

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