done with some edits. This whole movment is just an industry lobby group masquerading as a civil rights movement. This industry wants to sell therapy, drugs and surgery to vulnerable young people. Like cigarette and alcohol companies marketing to young people. AS we know cig and hard liquor ads were banned from TV. So any and all talk about sex or sexuality should be banned from the public taxpayor funded educational system by default > The state has NO role to play in talking about gender or sex or sexuality NONE. I would assert that ALL school should be privatized as well but thats too much common sense for most people to accept.

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This is very true

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Watch this: “dont be a sucker”


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The school system has failed to teach critical thinking ,civics and ethics so people are fooled by this industry attempt to coopt the school system. The “war on drugs” is the same thing. And the military industrial lobby industry. Endless tax money spent on special interests enriching certain favored groups in exchange for political bribes

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Done. With edits, and not quite as polite. I'm sorry. I think the Amaze.org ANIMATED PORN is absolutely disgusting. Let's just normalize everything, and make nothing a big deal, ever. Everything is always No Big Deal.

I saw on Netflix (which I'm getting rid of) a show on "Pleasure"...I watched a few minutes. A woman started saying "children should know about PLEASURE from the time they have language."


Now I get it.

This leftist garbage AGENDA (because it is an AGENDA, nothing to do with sane adult thought about what is appropriate for children) stems from that mentality - let's get kids into their sexuality ASAP, so we can "help" them. NOT appropriate for school!

If parents want to teach their kids, send them to Porn Club, Pleasure Club, Sex Education Club, that is their choice. But this is not fodder for school.

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Well said

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Done and shared on two parent FB pages for what that is worth. Just more exposure.

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I sent my email in with a few edits. One of which is saying No to K-12. Letting them know I am not asking their permission, was not to polite which is where we all need to stop being, that my taxes pay for them and that this whole situation is not for anyone, much less children. That this has already started in some districts by teachers and that will not fly.

AS a side not to everyone on here, we need to stop this tenure for teachers. If your a pedo and are already tenured, they get to stay in schools. How nice, that its all made to order for them. Sickos!!!

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Same here! Edited, sent and I did NOT ask permission. My children will NOT be taking these classes come Hell or high water.

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Will do. There is a symposium on this subject, on May 14th, where parents will learn how to attend BOE meetings and ask the right questions, run for school board to get elected, alternate schooling options, and parental rights. Speakers, panelists, and other grass roots organizations will be there. It's free of course, but registration needed because capacity is limited: at concernedcitizensnj.org.

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the link to send an email doesn't work - this should be posted to them or are you working cooperatively with the state draconian government.

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I'll be writing mine today especially since my school district already rolled out the new standards this past September 2021. We are actively teaching right now in Rutherford and in light of what is going on, it needs to pause until the state is on the same page.

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I wrote my own letter as well. This is unreal, immoral, and must end.

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Governor Murphy I appreciate the hard work that you do and I am sure that it was good intent that you presented this but I am telling you from a therapist point of view that this is not healthy for our kids mental health so I pray that enough parents speak up and that democracy wins and this is not passed it

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Lisa Onorati

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Done! Thank you!!

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Shared the email; nicely done. But isn't the meeting on May 4?


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yes, sorry changed it.

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Thanks for the fast reply! Also, if the governor has ordered a review, how can the BOE still have this vote?


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Just because they have a review doesn't mean that they stop. they have their own deadlines.

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Done! Thank you for sharing this.

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