I wouldn't exactly call it a RANT but I did hear one thing I am totally against. A biological male should not be allowed to use a girls bathroom or locker room or be allowed in girls sports regardless of what they identify as, do we need to make those Male / Female signs outside of bathrooms anatomically correct?

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Jul 25, 2023Liked by Mathgoddess

The state should not be be involved in the schools period! Mandated programs, most are political and social . Watered down curriculum. No time for real academics anymore. The children ultimately suffer! I wonder are these school boards being threatened or paid off?

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P.S.S. I am credited with saying that the government doesn't love the children as parents love their children. I actually said "the government does not love these children - parents love and nurture children". Governments are not capable of love and government school employees should not act as love counselors!

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Jul 26, 2023·edited Jul 26, 2023Author

So, for the record, I would not have characterized Mr. Harris as being on "a rant." A rant would imply some kind of passionate and/or loud speech. His was passionless, a bit rehearsed, - I'd say it was more like a screed - a long, tedious speech or piece of writing. In a sense, the fact that he made his comments so calmly makes them more ominous - none of his own feelings, conscience were evident, giving him the appearance of an automaton, a puppet, not a caring human being.

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Liars gonna lie. It’s what they do when their freewill runs riot bowing down to the lower power

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