Mar 20, 2022·edited Mar 20, 2022

as long as primary and secondary and ANY education is paid for by COERCIVE taxation and is compulsory our children will be victimized by these inept corrupt institutions. In NJ and other states "education" is compulsory. THe state claims that it has a compelling interest in educating children. In reality the state ( the government) has NO interest in educating people. The state is there to keep people free, to protect their rights. If people are upset at the current situation with the government schools, they should start by advocating for privatization of ALL education. Separation of education and state. Look at the huge array of houses of worship. Look at the huge array of shoes available for purchase. We dont have compulsory taxpayer funded religion. We dont have compulsory tax funded shoe laws. One could argue that the state has a compelling interest in making people wear shoes. Or bathing! After all body odor could be a public nuisance. The state could claim an interest in ALL kinds of private behaviors. So why education? Because the government school system functions as an indoctrination program for young people to make them obedience and complacent little cogs in the state apparatus. good little workers. The more intelligent among the kids are granted state privileges; allowed to attend the state controlled and sanctioned elite establishments like the Harvards and Yales where they are groomed for roles in the ruling class. The young people have to play along however. They have to regurgitate all the correct opinions and have all the right views on everything .

The federal dept of education should be abolished. No federal money should be given to ANY educational establishment. People with no kids in the school system should not have to pay taxes. Education should be entirely a private fee for service tuition based service. If there was no coercive tax funded education, the private organizations would be much more competitive and there would be a proliferation of all kinds of private schools.; big, small, boutigue, specialty schools, would proliferate. There would be apprenticeships again.


Some will say: poor people will not be able to afford education. But the OPPOSITE is true. Education is CHEAPER today than even because of technology. What makes it expensive is the government educational bureaucracy; with all the padded benefits and pensions and all the physical infrastructure and all of these excess redundant administrators which are really only there because they are sinecure patronage jobs.

People of modest means, so called disadvantaged people all have cell phones and flat screen televisions, decent shoes and refrigerators. WHY? because those things are provided on the private market. These same people have shitty education, terrible police protection Why because those things are provided by government tax payor monopolies.

Monopolies are bad because they result in poor quality and high prices. A government monopoly is still a monopoly. In face government monopolies are the ONLY true monopolies that exist.

If we want to have control over our kids education , we have to be CUSTOMERS not residents or taxpayers.

Imagine if our food distribution worked like the school system. We basically have socialized primary education in the USA. Imagine if it worked that way with food. Everyone would have a government assigned food market in their town . You would be assigned to the market that you happened to live near. People would compete to live in towns and districts with "better" markets that had better produce and better selection of food. This competition would totally distort the housing market and create huge disparities in socioeconomic status among communities. ( sound familiar) . If you went to your tax payer funded govenment assigned market on a particular day and they were out of something you would be out of luck. You would not be eligible to go to another market. This system in fact was tried in communist China in the 1950s and 50 million people starved to death.

In education the evidence of failure and rot has taken several generations to appear. Since the widespread socializaion of american education at the turn of the 20th century we have seen a steady erosion of ethics and standards. now schools are eliminating class ranks, grades, teaching critical race theory. State education has exposed itself as the political indoctrination program it always has been

The government educational system is inefficient, overpriced. Its results are dismal. All par for the course for a monopoly ( a government monopoly) just like first class mail and the post office ( what a scam) "first class mail" ha.




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In Susan Palmers world, only parents who can afford to send kids to private school should have say about what their children are taught; the rest have to settle for whatever Susan Palmer and her arrogant comrades decide “society needs them to know”.

Parents need Universal School Choice in which they are handed their kids’ share of the local school budget and expected to shop out their education, finding learning facilities that teach what they believe their kids need to be successful.

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They have Democracy written on top of that building. Media pushes this narrative all the time. WE are a Constitutional Republic, with democratic representatives. We need to make it so as it was established as that.

Then they need to be cancelled out completely from what they teach. We are the parents, what we say goes. Your tax dollars pay for them to teach. We have every right to say what we think. They never had this kind of push back from parents, they got away with it all.

Make it hard on them to continue to teach, demand them to resign. We only want teachers who are Constitutional, not many, and back to teaching basics. Make their lives miserable people, you know you can do it.

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Well, Suzie, you don't determine what "society" is...maybe it doesn't include nutty leftists who are brainwashed into cluelessness. Just wait until it's her grandchild who's affected, then we will see her change her tune. THE PARENTS ARE THE COMMUNITY. And we don't have to send our children to private school to get an appropriate public school education.

These people are the antithesis of "Democratic" as per her sign.

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Our BOE VP has THIS quote as her profile picture. We have called her out on it but she refuses to remove it!!

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How dare they. We we the parents pay to keep those schools open and their salaries. They need to be reminded of that

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