Omg this is a nightmare! Glad we made it to high school without seeing this. One less battle we have to fight (there are so many now).

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From personal experience, for my learning style repetitive math failed me. I was exceptionally good at memorizing, so when it came to more advanced concepts, I struggled. I did well enough to make it into engineering school in undergrad, but I should’ve been more conversant in the various concepts and mathematics was always a source of stress for me, not curiosity. Needless to say, I changed my major. It wasn’t until seeing my nephew’s common core concepts when I was an adult that I even began understanding how to do basic math in my head. Prior to that, I didn’t understand the language of math, I just tried to memorize it. The entire concept of solely teaching strict repetition and memorization is silly; but of course, it’s “woke” to think the existence of different learning styles should warrant schools to present a variety of methods. No one way is inherently correct or incorrect. I’ve heard Republicans says we need to take politics out of schools - but by declaring some teaching styles “liberal” and resisting offering multiple styles is the very thing that’s forcing politics into our schools. While I agree neither side has it right at this point, maybe lay off the reactionary “when I was a kid, we were just forced to sit down and and shut up and do the work” concept and stop concluding that recognizing different learning styles begets “sissies” and see it gives some kids a fighting chance. Stop bringing politics into learning.

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The common core is Turing out a generation of children who will not be able to to into a STEM career. http://betrayed-whyeducationisfailing.blogspot.com/2012/04/statisticians-view-of-constructivist.html

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The constructive core concepts will not make children proficient at math. Please read my article about how it is failing them

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