I seriously do not understand how anyone could approve of a performer who does not understand that their act is never for children in any format. On that basis alone - a performers complete lack of self-awareness or logic or humanity - that person should have nothing to in any proximity with children. People have literally lost there mfing minds to such a level of sick, stupid and debased it's like time for another Flood. Time to build an ark.

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Nov 14, 2022·edited Nov 14, 2022Liked by Mathgoddess

The death of public education in our society.

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Nov 14, 2022Liked by Mathgoddess

So the NJEA Convention this year was tantamount to a Freak Show with a side dish of political activism extremists.

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We need to defund the NJEA , one of the strongest unions in the country

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How is this event on the taxpayer's dime? Schools in New Jersey operate for 180 days, so the schools being not in session for two days during the Teacher's Convention does not affect that. If there were no days off for the Teacher's Convention, school would get out two days earlier in June. So again, how is this on the taxpayer's dime?

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my only correction is David Hogg was from Parkland High School in Florida

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Parents need to complain to state and federal authorities on these matters. Its completely illegal. Sexualizing kids is a form of sexual harassment, and illegal under Title IX, which forbids all sex discrimination. Racial discrimination and critical race theory is illegal under Title VI, which forbids racial discrimination. Please check out this article for links on how to file complaints. https://open.substack.com/pub/justingaffneysamuels/p/filing-complaint-against-groomers?r=6512g&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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