It’s simply unfathomable that a sitting state’s attorney general wants to criminalize any school official who tells the truth to a parent about something happening to their minor child at school. New Jersey is the battleground for the country in this abomination.

The attorney general is assuming 2 things about all parents. One is that parents will harm their children if they are told that a child of theirs has decided to live by a new identity. He’s basically saying that parents are “presumed” to commit crimes against their own children if they find out the truth about their child.

This stance takes the notion of “innocent until proven guilty” and simply demolishes it completely. It’s like that Tom Cruise movie where the actor arrests people for “pre-crimes”, or crimes the state “thinks” a person will commit in the future.

Quite simply, this flies in the face of our entire judicial system. It’s guilty before proven innocent and with no evidence of guilt, just the possibility that a crime “might” occur without any evidence of concluding this.

Since when does the government actively condone lying and criminalize telling the truth? We know the government lies to its citizens. But now the government is actually demanding its employees lie to its citizens, and not just any citizens, parents of children.

Talk about not trusting the government! Here they actually telling government workers not to be trusted because they are required to lie or face jail time.

The other supposition made by the government here is that between the parent and the state, the state is the party primarily responsible for the well-being of a child. Parents lose their primary right to make decisions for their child before they turn 18. Parents still have the responsibility and requirement to house and feed a child. But any decisions about the child now belong to the state.

And not only does the state get to make child rearing decisions now, they are obliged to keep these decisions from the parents. Parents no longer can know what’s going on with their children at school. That’s no longer a parent’s right.

This would be a fundamental change to our society. It’s more akin to communist China. China may dictate the child’s future, but at least in China they don’t keep their decisions hidden from the parents.

The state is uprooting our society and legal system under the guise of child safety. If they do not take these drastic measures, children will be harmed or be killed. But do they have any evidence that this is actually happening outside and above of the normal rates of child abuse st the hands of a parent? Where exactly are they getting the data to draw this conclusion?

We also already have a system in place to protect children from abusers. Granted that system only works “after” abuse has begun. But it’s uncommon for a first time abuser to start at murdering their own child.

Our system has always demanded evidence in the past before taking away parental rights. Outside of moving ALL children to a government run orphanage systems where no parents are allowed to even house any child, the state cannot ever possibly prevent ALL child abuse at the hands of parents. So what specifically is different that requires ultra protective measures with kids who come out at school?

The fact is the notion that you are going to keep the truth away from parents by lying to them will actually accomplish keeping the secret is just nonsense. Secrets have a way of coming forward. And this secret is way too public to keep from a parent even if the state wants it to be kept secret.

If Thomas at home becomes Beth at school, how do you suppose Beth will get addressed by a friend she brings home from school? You think the friend is never going to slip up and call her Beth instead of Thomas? And by expecting friends to keep this secret you are also demanding third party children also keep secrets and lie to adults, including their own parents!

The state is creating a culture of lies and secrets for children to adhere to within this system. What can be more harmful to a child’s well being if they are being asked to keep a secret through lying to their own parents even as they themselves are not part of a gender change. In order to keep the secret, ALL CHILDREN WITH A SCHOOL MUST ALSO KEEP THE SAME SECRET BY LYING TO ADULTS.

This is why practically speaking, secrets and lies don’t even work. Not only must teachers keep this secret from the child affected, every student in Beth’s school must also keep Beth’s secret from their own parents who otherwise might mention it to Beth’s parents that Thomas is really Beth at school.

The notion that this coverup can be maintained by asking a school full of children to lie to everyone they come in contact with is just laughable. The fact that the attorney general thinks this is a proactive solution to keep children safe is simply absurd. How did this attorney ever finish law school if they are just that stupid.

But unfortunately, this is where we are today. We have politicians who want to “virtue signal” that they are “protecting children” when in reality they are doing the opposite. Their protection scheme cannot possibly work. And in the process teaches children to lie and keep secrets from the most important adults in their lives. This will destroy children and families!

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Excellent comment. I wish others would see what was happening from this perspective

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I think a movement of "see something ,say something" needs to be started. Students, parents, reasonable human teachers who care about students (which I think is most of them), GO AROUND THE RULES. We simply tell the parent of a child if we see this struggle occurring. It's not "anti-LGBTQ". It's not discrimination. It's love. If you see a friend struggling, you let their parent know. If you need to do it anonymously, you do it anonymously. Just do it.

All the kids will be aware of any child who changes their pronoun, gender etc. So will their teachers, and other parents. Let those parents know, with compassion and dignity.

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We don't have that same sense of community we once had. People keep their heads down and keep to themselves.

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It's like anything else - keep saying it, and people start to believe it, start to follow along. People LOVE to gossip, right? Well, it's a friendly version. If a child has a friend or another child they went to preschool with, when they start identifying as the opposite sex, that kid is likely going to mention it to their parent. So people KNOW at least some % of the time when a child changes their identity. At least some parents can speak up!

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Ask Platkin if he is a demon. He has demonic tendencies. Same with his boss, Murphy. Also, need to rid ourselves of all these agencies that should never have this power including the state BOE and the unions. Its time for these people to step down and out of our state.

If this push was not occurring, these children would not have to deal with any of this gender crap. The confusion they caused and the suicides they caused, they have lots of blood on their hands. Holding accountable is not enough. We have traitors among us, many, who are not American at all.

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✔️ISSUE #1

After Rewatching the Aug 2, 2023 State Board of Education meeting, I think the board BROKE Roberts Rules of Order & “THEIR own board policy” on rules of running a meeting. Which I don’t know if that means the adoption in favor is null/void???

*Because Vice President MULVIHILL made a MOTION and got a proper SECOND to VOTE on “postponing the adoption of the bill to further discuss” which WAS accepted by the Chairwoman and properly seconded. ….According to “Robert’s Rules of Order” and the “BOARDS own policy on governance” the CHAIR must IMMEDIATELY ask if there is any discussion/debate and then move to a VOTE on HIS motion that was properly seconded and approved by the chair.* INSTEAD of calling for discussion/debate or a VOTE of HIS motion on the table the CHAIR MADE A MOTION OF HER OWN TO GO INTO “EXECUTIVE SESSION” which was seconded and she immediately called for a VOTE by VOICE in which only ONE unknown member voted “YAY”….and they all went into executive session for 45 mins!!! This broke many rules/procedures in which I believe CAN be challenged.

The FIRST motion that was already PROPERLY on the table needed to be addressed BEFORE her “NEW MOTION” which didn’t even ask for discussion/debate but instead just went IMMEDIATELY into a roll call VOICE vote. In order to go into Executive Session you MUST have a vote with a FULL MAJORITY in the affirmative. This did NOT happen and was an improper MOTION/ORDER to begin with.*

(It will be interesting to see if the board meeting MINUTES will properly reflect the record)

**my point is I thought under “Roberts Rules of Order” once a motion was made and properly seconded the chair COULDN’T entertain ANOTHER motion before voting on the ORIGINAL motion on the table!!! For the record, there wasn’t a “substitute motion/amended motion” on his original motion. Instead the CHAIR TOTALLY broke the rules and didn’t allow HIS motion to be voted on!! In fact HER motion NEVER got a RECORDED MAJORITY vote in favor to enter into Executive Session.*

***In Addition- when the chair broke the rules by putting HER OWN MOTION to go into “executive session” which was followed by a second…..a FULL MAJORITY RECORDED VOTE not a “voice voice” is needed in order to properly go into an Executive Session. THIS DID NOT HAPPEN!! ***

****Furthermore, the CHAIR is being instructed on how to RUN the meeting by ANOTHER BOARD MEMBER named “Arcelio Aponte”. He is acting as the “unofficial FACILITATOR” by whispering to THE CHAIRWOMAN on how to run the meeting & what she should say!!! This is evident as u can hear HIM on “HOT MIC” following President Goldenberg’s yes vote. He seems to have a distain for members of the Public in the audience and instructs the President Golfenberg repeatedly on what to say. I found his comments to be Isela serving and intimidating.

(board member Aponte can he heard starting at the 4:48:09 min mark in the video until the very end)

I know the chair CAN receive guidance by someone on how to run the meeting BUT I didn’t think it could be done by another “bias” Board Member. Is board member Aponte the designated FACILITATOR?? Usually guidance is given to the chair/president by an ATTORNEY and/or a properly appointed FACILITATOR?!? ****

🤬I’m gonna try and do some more research and fact finding because this is insanity!!! 🤬

✔️ISSUE #2

Does anyone know if the board has provided the public an understanding as to WHY many Board Members are still ABLE to participate at monthly meetings REMOTELY?!?! This is insanity & needs to be stopped!!!! The State Board of Education only has ONE meeting each month. It’s not that big of an ask to demand all voting members be REQUIRED to be IN PERSON ONCE a MONTH in order for their vote to count. In addition, all members VOTED in FAVOR of the dates and times of their FUTURE meetings in which members agreed to the schedule and was adopted by ALL Board Members. That being said, there is no circumstance that I can see as to why half of the members are unable to attend these dates and times for the meetings IN PERSON being that they have proper advanced notice and in fact voted in favor of the meetings dates and times!! It’s a DISGRACE and it needs to be changed! Depending on if the board even has an a policy already regarding this matter, Maybe the Board needs to pass a new policy requiring members to be PRESENT to ALL MONTHLY MEETINGS!!! I’m sure they are going to say we agreed to a “hybrid” schedule but I would further point out a need for a proper QUORUM in order to legally run a meeting. How does one define a QUORUM in a hybrid type meeting?

✔️ISSUE #3

Does anyone know if the board has a policy on attendance to the meetings regarding board members? If not, the board needs to answer as to why this board, as POWERFUL as they are, doesn’t have such a policy. If they DO in fact have a policy on board member attendance, what is it?

I have many questions as it relates to a particular the board member’s attendance………

*Mrs. Fatimah Burnam-Watkins* has been ABSENT for 6 out of the 8 last meetings. (ie) absent 75% of 2023 board meetings. The public needs to know how this member can ETHICALLY serve on this board and vote on matters so crucial with this attendance record!?! NO member who took an oath to serve on this board can ethically or in good faith believe they are fulfilling those obligations with only being PRESENT in meetings 25% of the 2023 session. Mrs. Fatimah Burnam-Watkins was ABSENT for every meeting EXCEPT -

*May 3, 2023

*August 2, 2023 (the last meeting in which the vote was so close and she voted YES) ⤵️


January 11, 2023 - Absent ❌

February 1, 2023 - Absent ❌

March 1, 2023 - Absent ❌

April 5, 2023 - Absent ❌

*May 3, 2023 - Present * ✅

June 7, 2023 - Absent ❌

July 12, 2023 - Absent ❌

*August 2, 2023 - Present* ✅

How is this acceptable? It is my position that the Board needs to inform the public about their attendance policy. In addition, I personally think the public is deserving as to the reasons for her absences. I have many ethical concerns of the fact PATTERNS regarding this members attendance and being able to do the people’s work she was sworn to do in good faith.*


ISSUE #3 (Part 2)

** The State Board of Education also has different committee meetings and chairs. **

-According to the Board’s website…..

*Mrs. Fatimah Burnam-Watkins* is the “CHAIR” of the “Social and Emotional Learning Commitee.”

-According to the Board’s website…..


This COMMITTEE will explore the issue of student safety and security in education with Department staff within the context of Topics such as EQUITY, early childhood learning, CHRONIC ABSENTEEISM, student suspension and special education and make RECOMMENDATIONS to the State Board and the Commissioner regarding POLICY CHANGES and REGULATORY CHANGES to the Administrative Code.

⁉️🤨 I am seeking more information on this particular Committee given the scope and purpose of the committee aligning with the NEW POLICY AND GUIDELINES that passed by Majority vote on August 2, 2023 and what ROLE

Mrs.Fatimah Burnam-Watkins as CHAIR of this committee had. Given her attendance or “lack there of” to regularly scheduled monthly State Board of Education Meetings and in particular her recorded votes of YES to the new policy/guidelines I am concerned. Does anyone know where to obtain the different COMMITTEE meetings agendas/attendance/minutes?

*Based on the facts available to the public I believe more information needs to be provided as to Mrs.Fatimah Burnam-Watkins role on any committee and what assistance she provided with regards to the New Policy and Guidelines adopted at August 2, 2023.*🤔

🗣️🗣️I apologize in advance for the length of this post, but as a concerned constituent I wanted to provide MY input, personal thoughts, and outstanding questions regarding what took place at August 2, 2023 New Jersey State Board of Education meeting. 🗣️🗣️

Warm Wishes-

Jess ❤️

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They certainly did break roberts rules of order. Because they were going to vote on something that the president didn't want so she abruptly stopped the vote. It's Oh shenanigans.

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It’s so sick!!! Keep up the good fight! xoxo

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You are correct. We are dealing with, quite literally, psychopaths of the New World Order.

They don't care whatsoever about children. Everything they say is a scripted narrative. 100% propaganda.

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It's unbelievable that we even have to fight to protect our children from sexualization. It appears history is once again repeating itself with the Democrat party indoctrinating our children, following in the footsteps of Nazi & Communist dictators.

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