The military has no jurisdiction outside of their base and anybody who sent an email from their military email is using their position and not as a private citizen. Each and every one of those people needs to be removed from their positions. The Chief of Police has no business contacting private citizens and telling them to remove their social media posts as that is a violation of their First Amendment Rights. The mayor should have immediately removed the Chief of Police. Unfortunately, the only way to put these people in their places would be in the court system. While I'm not entirely optimistic about the court system in NJ I think this would have to happen in the Federal Court System. The most troubling statement made in those emails was the comment related to "right wing" extremist groups. There are parents of all political affiliations who are troubled about what they are seeing. It's obvious that the schools in many regions are trying to assert their control over the kids by destroying the parent/child bond. It's exactly what every Communist country does.

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Exactly - everything is blamed on this false threat of "rw extremist groups" - it's an excuse for all illegal actions at this point because once a group or person is categorized in that manner, it falls under different rules (perhaps Patriot Act, etc. - TBH I am not astute enough in the law on this topic). But it's not just to ruffle feathers, they have greater latitude when you start using that term. Kind of like "clear and present danger...weapons of mass destruction."

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I will ask my sister, a General in the USAF, to see if it's normal protocol for the military to involve itself in local school board issues. I think I know the answer but we'll see.

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Let me know what she says.

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When you ask, please be sure to mention that a lot of military kids go to that school and multiple military families voiced concern to the school military liaison regarding things that took place after that persons initial FB post to a local community page. Please let us know what they say.

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You are leaving out that it wasn't parents, it was the extremist activist group "hate has no home here" who engaged the military to go after parents with no group affiliation. Notice how the military is advocating for that group by the header in the emails. The Military is supporting radical organizations and try to stop parents who don't want their elementary school sexualized.

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Also, why would a school that has some military students be exempt from parents addressing concerns online? North Hanover schools are arguably the safest in the state. Also, there has never been to school targeted because a parent complained online. People should do their research on past incidents of school violence. There was never a security threat. This has been confirmed. This was moral blackmail and gaslighting. A few radicals did not like me exposing what was happening in our schools so they used an obscure and disingenuous threat of far right extremist violence to defame me and cause panic. It’s disgusting, unconstitutional, and should scare every parent in the United States.

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Here is the link to see parents actively speaking negatively about a full military school in our district without being tracked and intimidated by the federal government. None of these parents have been reported to DHS. So please, stop the gaslighting. https://www.facebook.com/groups/JBMDLVentAway/?ref=share&mibextid=tejx2t

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First, Schilling does not live in my town and does not have any kids in the district. Second, the parents that complained (see PTSC president email) do not live in my town and do not have kids in the district. They are from Mansfield. They just don’t like me and my opinions. Finally, parents on a regular basis complain about our district online and actually list names of teachers and grades (see JB MDL Vent away page with 5,000 members). Please get your facts correct. This was all to silence a person they disagree with.

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We would like to represent this parent. Please have her get in touch with me or Ron. Thanks Nicole for your continued good work.

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Thank you for exposing everything in this story, it needs to be public and the concise information with all supporting documents in one place is excellent. As bad as all of this is, we are making HEADWAY in waking people up, which will bring change in the longer term. WWII wasn't won in a few months to years, and neither will this war.

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Parents will not be silenced for protecting their children! For goodness sakes! It was inappropriate material for an elementary school. Period.

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Your reporting on this expanding scandal is extremely important and timely. The House Judiciary Committee majority (under Chairman Jim Jordan) has subpoenaed AG Garland and FBI Director Wray for documents on targeting parents in school board meetings and protests. Your reporting must be examined by this Committee as part of their examination as it seems the involvement of the Federal government in targeting citizens opposed to CRT/Gender indoctrination extends to the military. How can we get this info to the Committee members/staff? Anyone who has contacts or experience in this please comment.

See this story on the subpoenas: https://www.theepochtimes.com/house-judiciary-subpoenas-fbi-director-wray-and-ag-garland-for-targeting-parents_5032849.html

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& that's just the state agencies no doubt the federal government dhs fbi and doj are prepping to kick down a few doors on parents refusing to allow their children to continue being brainwashed by these corrupt board of educations

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Unbelievable! Except I used to work at JBMDL and so I TOTALLY believe it. And unfortunately it's likely to just get worse. They weeded out a lot of reasonable conservatives for refusing that unreasonable, dangerous vaccine and now the woke loons will work their way up the ranks. God help us all.

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This is only the start of the control and eventually, the DHS will use force to remove children from their parents. A child being coerced by the schools to transgender without parental consent or approval will result in parents being tried and possibly convicted of a crime to harm their own children. In Canada the threat is real.

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Of course there will be a plausible sounding reason although very vague.

And no proof will be provided since the power that they have over us is all the proof, in their minds, that they will ever need.

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Agree. CPS already is famous in this nation for removing children from their parents under false pretenses (and then somehow tens of thousands in the system go missing...), so I think it will be similar. There's always money involved to the tune of millions - we will have to see how it transpires. But it is scary and we all have to alert our local public officials to this story - it is on our watch and duty to do what we can to show we are aware and this is a reelection issue for them.

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Having power means never having to say you're sorry.

That's what we are looking down the barrel of here.

There is no accountability. They don't need our consent for anything and they know it.

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Canada has imposed threats of removing children from parents who don't use their children's pronouns or let them transition. It happened here to a runaway girl here. She was found in another state and the judge didn't allow her mother to get back custody. I don't remember that state. The girl ran to Texas and the judge didn't allow her to go back to her mother but sent her to the state that denied custody for several years

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All the powers behind the throws are into child sex and torture trafficking. Where are the 100's of thousands of unaccompanied minors?

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I'm getting the idea that's it's even worse than we know. The cartels are bringing the practice of slavery into our country with the effective permission of the regime.

I have heard that worldwide, there are more slaves today than at anytime before although that's hard to believe. Africa is really bad.

And there are reports that the cartels are harvesting organs from children for various purposes (money,hiding drugs, etc). I have also heard that the practice has spread to Africa.

We are headed for interesting times.

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Where are the unaccompanied children? They are sold and trafficked. How many 100s of thousands?

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Where is this going? Is this TBC? It's shocking what people in power think they are capable of and apparently are capable of. Can this become a lawsuit against the officials?

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Sadly the Patriot was created by design, not to monitor our enemies, but to monitor our own people. The Obama administration took that bull by the horns and used it to monitor their poltical enemies. I have said for years that there are two families in Delaware that you never trust. The Dupont family and the Biden family. Biden is just a continuation of what Bush (really Cheney) created, Obama weaponized to fight political enemies, and Biden took full advantage of.

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Could it be any more clear? Get your children out of public schools. Now.

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This is unbelievably and outrageously unacceptable

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Free Masons sexual abuse children in the grand Lodges. They also force children to kill other children. Where and what is truly happening to the 100s of thousands of unappreciated children crossing the border? Child trafficking, were are they and how many are missing. The DHS said 50 thousand last year

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The pretext for this is that unspecified somebodies will harass, intimidate, threaten or assault military parents.

Of course, it seems that these parents' rights to be left alone exceed those of our Supreme Court Justices but was any reasonable basis for these military parents' fears ever put forward?

IIRC, we can use deadly force in the defense of our life but that justification has to meet specified legal standards. We cannot legally use deadly force just b/c we subjectively feel someone is a threat without there being an objective reasonable basis.

The implicit asymmetry here, evident in the relative disparity of the importance of perceptions of a threat on one side vs on the other assumes a higher status of privilege on the side of the complaining parents than that of the mom who posted.

If I'm offended/threatened it's no big deal but if someone important feels that way, heaven and earth must be moved.

This is all meant to prove a point obviously.

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Got here late, but just as gobsmacked as all of you from the past are. What in the fresh hell is going on?!

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