Platkin has young kids of his own. For shame. Invite James O Keefe to the protest, he is exposing many Jersey school boards.

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It’s all about money and power! Platkin and others don’t want to lose their jobs.

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If things have to be put on hold because of the hearing, that can take forever. There are always postponements with these attorneys and courts.

What date is set for that?

Sorry, can't be there, will be a cheerleader for sure. Will it be televised? You should seek out those who are public figures in media that will attend to get more attention to this state and its atrocities.

We wouldn't need any counselors for mental health if our children were being taught the basics. How disgusting we have become, masks, quarantines, shut downs, JABS, some already died because of this. We are losing thousands of young people. They came after our kids and they did a good job on getting them.

We were all conditioned by these maniacs and the Murphys of the world are carrying out the agenda, loving every minute.

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Keep fighting parents!🇺🇸

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Thanks, the signup link wasn't working, maybe this is good


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I don't understand why, it works for me.

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