Have a look at these blog posts from this attorney and rabbi in Passaic. He explains that it's not about the test, it's about Testing, as an endless tool of enslavement to constantly monitor people, control their access to society, and create a Medical State in America where all life revolves around new disease crises, pretend protection, stratification of humans by medical status, etc. Endless, continual testing planned.

Bottom line, the medical state is ramping up, not down, despite brief reprieves.

https://www.passaicclarity.org/2022/03/22/why-testing-is-the-real-trap-part-9/ (there are also links to parts 1 - 8.

I greatly appreciate your research and analysis, because it's one of a sane and intelligent person who's highly educated. The issue is that we are dealing with the criminally insane who are inhumane and seem to have bizarre totalitarian objectives, and no logic, no evidence, is of interest much less of value. I will speak up and I do, but mass civil disobedience is really the only thing that will stop this train. Our entire Congress, every single member of the Administration, MUST KNOW the full con of Covid from A to Z, the treatments that do work, the hospital protocols that are killing, the corruption, deceit and illegal activities of every senior member of all of our 3-letter health agencies (and 3 letter "I" agencies) all of which are not part of the constitution and not elected, the depraved sadistic actions of our drug companies and their financial incentives, conflicts of interest with health agencies and duplicity, and damage to children, yet the vast vast majority are doing nothing. A minority, and a small one, can make the difference, and it's us and it's saying "sorry, no thank you, no." They want us to get tired, but we have to tire them.

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I received an email from our Superintendent two weeks ago. Dear Dumont School Community:

Please be advised that consistent with the trends within Bergen County and the State, our District has experienced a significant uptick in positive COVID-19 cases in the last few weeks. Additionally, our County and most of the State is currently in ORANGE or “HIGH” level of transmission, according to the Weekly CALI report that was released yesterday.

I finally had time to respond to her. I sent her and the entire BOE this information you posted so THANK YOU!

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