Jan 24, 2023Liked by Mathgoddess

How about the shopping bag tax? Being forced to buy your own bags is taxing you. It’s also a confirmation that people will fall for being easily controlled when directed.

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by Mathgoddess

Thank you for keeping us alive to reality issues that are destroying our nation, it costs more to enter the Lincoln tunnel than to go to Canada, yet we all pay... We are all contributing to the downfall of our children, separatist and homeschoolers too... They take this extra "TAX" money and create more perverted programs - through ideologies united to organized naturalism, and other "service groups" that destroy God and freedom..However once we know where do we go, there is really no fighting against it, actually many .of the good guys/girls are also controlled by front groups that follow or take advice from the same evil...

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Also car insurance is going up - for millions of drivers in the state @ those of us who actually carry insurance will be paying more

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This demonic being hates all people of this country, he is definitely not alone. Many are employed by this person and put in by George Soros.

His face is enough to show us where is mind is, its completely dark. He is gladly destroying this state. He needs to be driven out of this state, hopefully in handcuffs for treason on many levels. He is truly a part of the globalist syndicate. He is a good soldier for them. . The war will only be won by 2-3% of the population.

Money is the biggest factor in life. Fighting for their children is not driving many parents, sadly, its their money. Its always about money for them and us.

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I am fairly sure I read it - my insurance company helped people contact legislators about the increase - as they believe it will cause many to go without coverage. CURE is my carrier.

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