Mar 27, 2023Liked by Mathgoddess

As a nurse I usually can get away with it by questioning them on their knowledge and educating them on all they don’t know. However I think it should say something about a facility or provider if they choose to still mandate masks then they obviously are not up to date on evidence based medicine and should be called out on it. Oh, you mean you aren’t following the latest science? Well I don’t want to be treated here since who knows what else you get wrong. I need to add this place to my list of practices/facilities to avoid for patients who want the best possible outcomes with healthcare providers who make it a point to stay up to date on all the latest research and implement changes as the evidence comes in, not waiting to be told and letting patients be mistreated with old or junk science in the meantime.

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by Mathgoddess

The masking is ridiculous, we all know the office staff don't wear their masks when they are out shopping (or at least most of them) so they are all going with the flow. I haven't been to the drs in years now because I can't control my reaction to being told to wear a mask. I need to figure it out and the rest of us need to so what you guys are doing so we can end this idiotic masking

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by Mathgoddess

Love these stories. Hate seeing people still wearing masks. I have one from CVS during masking times, but when it was optional. I was getting a prescription and a box of masks was shoved at me, I said, "it's against my religion to wear a mask" that pretty much shut them up.

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by Mathgoddess

Great read! So glad for these warriors!

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by Mathgoddess

I am so tired of fighting with doctors offices about this - especially when no one at these offices is wearing one until I walk in and then they quick put them on. My favorite is when I say no and the receptionist claps back “it’s the LAW!!” Lol sure lady !!

Our dentist and kid’s orthodontist are the only one that dropped it.

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by Mathgoddess

Studies were already done pre-COVID. When people were dropping dead from the flu (wait..they still are!) they did a comprehensive mask study and found that they did nothing to reduce the transmission of a respiratory virus. All that bad information given to you by those corporate doctors and nurses was simply junk. Our school had a local endocrinologist speak at a BOE and told the board that he is board certified (I agree that he was most likely certified) so he was an expert on masks. These are the same clowns that are convincing parents to mutilate their children's bodies. The whole thing is embarrassing.

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by Mathgoddess

I’ve had to change my kids dentist and pediatrician over the mask issue. I got into so many arguments at the pediatrician the last time they refused my daughter a sticker! I really feel like they think they are superior and saving the world with their masks. The smugness and arrogance when they try to force you to wear it is so telling. I’ve never had a medical facility back down over the issue. They would rather lose you as a patient then not have you wear a mask.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Mathgoddess

You are all awesome! I love this!

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I've been to the Eye Doctors and Dentist office with no problem with no mask since last year, however recently went to occupational health for a work injury recently and they had a sign up that said patients have to bring you own masks and they asked me to get one , I told then if you are requiring masks then the office has to provide them it's the offices policy not the patient or the governments, they gave me one and I did put in on for show, below my nose many other patients wore them the same way, Sadly maybe next year things will change?

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Mar 27, 2023·edited Mar 27, 2023

The first sentence of the authors conclusions in the linked study;

"The high risk of bias in the trials, variation in outcome measurement, and relatively low adherence with the interventions during the studies hampers drawing firm conclusions"

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